Fonte : fanpage di 22 mag 2024

Adagio dell'abito corto a fiori di Beatrice di York anti-royal gossip

Beatrice di York in fucsia Zara Tindall col cappello di paglia | cugine in coordinato al Garden Party

Beatrice di York in fucsia, Zara Tindall col cappello di paglia: cugine in coordinato al Garden Party (Di mercoledì 22 maggio 2024) Ieri a Buckingham Palace si è tenuto uno dei tradizionali Garden Party e per l'occasione le cugine reali Zara Tindall, Eugenie e Beatrice di York, si sono vestite in coordinato: ecco tutti i dettagli dei loro look primaverili e bon-ton. .
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Notizie su altre fonti
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  • Prince William is joined by Princess Beatrice for his first garden party of 2024 without Kate by his side as they brave the rain at Buckingham Palace - Prince William is joined by Princess beatrice for his first garden party of 2024 without Kate by his side as they brave the rain at Buckingham Palace - William left with a children's book he pledged to read to Prince Louis at bedtime and a bag of freshly baked cookies from an RAF padre. The prince, dressed in a top hat and morning suit, met Duchy of ...

  • Prince Andrew cuts a solo figure as he plays golf in the Scottish Highlands... while royals Prince William and the duke's daughter Beatrice get together for Buckingham Palace ... - Prince Andrew cuts a solo figure as he plays golf in the Scottish Highlands... while royals Prince William and the duke's daughter beatrice get together for Buckingham Palace ... - The Duke of york could be seen wearing a navy jumper with a grey baseball cap on the course at Castle Stuart near Inverness this morning.

  • New blow for Prince Harry as 'closest cousin' supports estranged brother William - New blow for Prince Harry as 'closest cousin' supports estranged brother William - Eugenie was joined by her older sister Princess beatrice and their other cousins Peter Phillips and Zara Tindall as they supported the Prince of Wales, who held the fort without King Charles or ...

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