Fonte : ilgiornaleditalia di mercoledì 24 aprile 2024

Calcio | Argentina Tevez in ospedale per dolore al petto ma esami ok

Calcio Argentina

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Calcio: Argentina. Tevez in ospedale per dolore al petto ma esami ok (Di mercoledì 24 aprile 2024) L'attuale tecnico dell'Independiente resterà ricoverato fino alla fine dei controlli BUENOS AIRES (Argentina) - Solo tanta paura, almeno per il momento, per Carlos Tevez. L'ex attaccante di Manchester United, Manchester City e Juventus, oggi allenatore dell'Independiente, è stato portato all'ospedal
Leggi tutta la notizia su ilgiornaleditalia
Notizie su altre fonti: tevez manchester

Former manchester United and Man City striker Carlos tevez taken to hospital in Argentina with chest pain - tevez played 201 times in the Premier League, scoring 84 times, across spells for West Ham, Man United and Man City. He won two Premier Leagues and the Champions League at United before crossing the ...talksport

tevez: Ex-Juventus star admitted to hospital with chest pain - Former Juventus star Carlos tevez has been admitted to hospital with chest pain and is undergoing medical examinations, his club Independiente

Ex-Man Utd Striker, tevez Rushed To Hospital - Former manchester United and manchester City forwarder, Carlos tevez, has been admitted to hospital after suffering chest pains.newtelegraphng

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Video Calcio Argentina
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