Jan Piet Valk steps down as CFO to join Boels Rentals Supervisory board as chairman

Jan Piet

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Jan Piet Valk steps down as CFO to join Boels Rentals Supervisory board as chairman (Di martedì 19 marzo 2024) SITTARD, Netherlands, March 19, 2024 /PRNewswire/

 As of June 1st 2024, Jan Piet Valk resigns as CFO and statutory director of Boels Rental. Subsequently he will join the Supervisory board of Boels Group as chairman per September 1st of this year. The successor of Jan Piet as CFO will be René Olsthoorn.   René Olsthoorn will join Boels on April 1st 2024, to officially become CFO per June 1st of this year. René was CEO and chairman of the Executive board of TABS Holland. Over the past 15 years, as CFO and CEO, René has played a vital role in the successful growth of TABS Holland into a leading and financially healthy business. His relevant experience and knowledge ...
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