Fonte : ilgiornale di 2 mag 2024

Emily Harrington - la prima donna a domare il Golden Gat - su El Capitan

Emily Harrington

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Emily Harrington, la prima donna a domare il Golden Gate, su El Capitan (Di giovedì 2 maggio 2024) A novembre 2020 la climber californiana si cimentò con il Golden Gate, un'infida parete liscia che corre lungo il dorso della montagna, nel parco naturale dello Yosemite
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emily Blunt Reveals How Taylor Swift Boosted Her Daughter's Confidence: 'Best Thing Anyone's Done' - emily Blunt says Taylor Swift gave her daughter confidence after meeting her, calling it the "best thing anyone's done" for her kid. Blunt is mom to daughters Hazel and Violet, whom she shares with ...
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Help name the Mets’ new service dog, a golden and Labrador Retriever mix - Looks like the Mets have found a friendly face to helm the ship during their search for a new mascot – and the team is turning to fans to help name the pup. The Mets are helping raise a future service ...
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‘Fall Guy’ Star emily Blunt Talks Ryan Gosling, Taylor Swift, and the Scariest Movie Stunt She’s Ever Done - While Howard was admittedly nervous to meet the Commander-in-Chief, he was comforted the moment they met in the Stern Show green room.
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Video Emily Harrington
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