Fonte : quotidiano di sabato 27 aprile 2024

Tornado si abbattono in Nebraska e Iowa - almeno cinque feriti

Tornado abbattono

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Tornado si abbattono in Nebraska e Iowa, almeno cinque feriti (Di sabato 27 aprile 2024) Alcuni Tornado si sono abbattuti sul Nebraska e l'Iowa causando almeno cinque feriti. E il maltempo è destinato a continuare nelle prossime ore, con piogge intense e grandinate. In Nebraska un Tornado ha provocato il crollo di una struttura industriale.
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Notizie su altre fonti: tornado nebraska

tornado tears through nebraska, causing severe damage in Omaha suburbs - Multiple tornadoes were reported in nebraska but the most destructive storm moved from a largely rural area into suburbs northwest of Omaha.
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Powerful tornado tears across nebraska, weather service warns of ‘catastrophic’ damage - Devastating tornadoes are tearing across parts of eastern nebraska and Iowa on Friday as a multiday severe thunderstorm event ramped up in the central United States, injuring at least three people.
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tornado warning has been issued for several nebraska and Iowa counties - A tornado warning has been issued for portions of multiple nebraska counties, according to the National Weather Service.Track the weather wherever you are with our Interactive RadarSign up for our ...
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