Fonte : vanityfair di 10 mag 2024

Room 999 | il cinema sta per morire? Rispondono Wenders - Luhrman - Sorrentino e molti altri registi

Room 999

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Room 999: il cinema sta per morire? Rispondono Wenders, Luhrmann, Sorrentino e molti altri registi (Di venerdì 10 maggio 2024) Quarant'anni dopo Camera 666, la regista Lubna Playoust chiede a 30 cineasti se il cinema sia alla fine. E le risposte sono sorprendenti
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Notizie su altre fonti: cinema room

Young Sheldon Finally Delivered Its Long-Awaited Tragedy, And The Way It Happened Was So Powerful - Young Sheldon Finally Delivered Its Long-Awaited Tragedy, And The Way It Happened Was So Powerful - Young Sheldon could only spend so much time setting the stage for Georgie and Mandy's First Marriage before it had to move the story along to the series' most devastating reveal.

Thames City London SW8 - Thames City London SW8 - Multiple amenity spaces have been designed to calm and inspire include an elegant lobby with a 24-hour concierge, a wellness center that includes a 30 meter swimming pool, spa, sauna, treatment rooms, ...

Cineplex sees future growth in FECs - Cineplex sees future growth in FECs - Cineplex expanded its location-based entertainment offering last year, adding a new Playdium location in the greater Toronto area, with three new entertainment openings slated for Q4 2024. In total it ...

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