Fonte : quotidiano di 6 mag 2024

Media arabi - ' Hamas ha sospeso i negoziati al Cairo'

Media arabi

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Media arabi, 'Hamas ha sospeso i negoziati al Cairo' (Di lunedì 6 maggio 2024) Hamas ha deciso di sospendere i negoziati al Cairo. Lo ha riferito Haaretz che cita Media del Qatar.
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Notizie su altre fonti: media hamas

Israeli army tells Palestinians to evacuate parts of Rafah - Israeli army tells Palestinians to evacuate parts of Rafah - The Israeli military on Monday ordered tens of thousands of displaced Palestinians in Rafah to evacuate, a move indicating Israel's offensive on Gaza's southmost area could be imminent.

Israeli army tells Palestinians to evacuate parts of Gaza’s Rafah ahead of an expected assault - Israeli army tells Palestinians to evacuate parts of Gaza’s Rafah ahead of an expected assault - The Israeli army ordered some 100,000 Palestinians today to begin evacuating from the southern city of Rafah, signaling that a long-promised ground invasion there could be imminent and further ...

Why is Israel forcing the evacuation of part of Rafah, Gaza’s last refuge - Why is Israel forcing the evacuation of part of Rafah, Gaza’s last refuge - Israel argues its security depends on disbanding hamas battalions in Rafah as it calls on 100,000 people to evacuate.

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