Fonte : mistermovie di 30 apr 2024

Un film di ThunderCats uscirà nel 2025? Spiegazione delle speculazioni sui film live-action

film ThunderCats

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Un film di ThunderCats uscirà nel 2025? Spiegazione delle speculazioni sui film live-action (Di martedì 30 aprile 2024) Articolo originale scritto da - Mister Movie Si stanno diffondendo voci secondo cui un film live-action del 2025 basato sulla serie animata di successo degli anni '80 ThunderCats uscirà presto. Articolo originale scritto da - Mister Movie
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Notizie su altre fonti: film thundercats

thundercats Live-Action 2025 Movie Speculation: All you may want to know - Rumors swirl around a possible 2025 live-action thundercats movie, reigniting excitement for the classic 1980s animated series. While fan-made concepts circulate online, including trailers featuring ...
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Mondo Announces 1:6 Scale thundercats Figures - thundercats will be joining Mondo's 12-inch figure lineup, fit to stand beside their '80s toy brethren from Masters of the Universe.
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Mondo Announces thundercats Partnership (Exclusive) - Mondo's thundercats collaboration will begin with a premium figure for Lion-O, which you can get an early glimpse at below. While an exact release date for the Lion-O figure has yet to be announced, ...
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Video film ThunderCats
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