Fonte : lucascialo di venerdì 26 aprile 2024

Plastic Memories - un anime impossibile da dimenticare

Plastic Memories

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Plastic Memories, un anime impossibile da dimenticare (Di venerdì 26 aprile 2024) L'anime di Fujiwara e dello studio Doga Kobo fornisce uno sguardo straziante sul rapporto tra un ragazzo e una Giftia dal futuro segnato L'articolo proviene da LE VOCI DI DENTRO.
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Notizie su altre fonti: plastic memories

10 anime that will touch your soul after just one episode - These anime cover a wide range of themes: from the poignant relationships between humans and androids in "plastic memories," to themes of revenge and self-discovery in "Chainsaw Man." "Your Lie in ...
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11 best sci-fi anime series expanding on artificial intelligence - 5. plastic memories Image Courtesy: plastic memories- Official Facebook Account plastic memories revolves around the emotional complexities of human-android relationships in a world where advanced AI ...
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His family built Bloomingdale mansion, threatened by development. He'd like to preserve it - He shared memories of crawling on a big stone underneath the building, lowering plastic toy soldiers with a string from the third to the first floor and playing in the huge attic that had old ...
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